Equine Veterinary Medical Manipulation (EVMM), often referred to as Chiropractic, is a specialized treatment approach that melds the traditional theories of chiropractic adjustments with modern western medicine and lameness. It starts with an in-depth evaluation of your horse’s posture, gait, and comfort level. After initial passive mobility assessment, a dynamic examination to determine range of motion, restrictions, and/or lameness is done to identify areas of malfunction.
The interaction between the equine nervous system and the musculoskeletal system is often overlooked through all disciplines leading to decreased performance and misdiagnosis. As with most treatments, medical manipulation is best utilized with other treatment modalities. These include your typical treatments for lameness if necessary, depending on the condition, but also acupuncture, myofascial release, acupuncture, and rehabilitation.
When performed by a skilled practitioner (such as a veterinarian with specialized training), EVMM is generally considered safe. However, improper technique or excessive force can cause harm. As with any treatment, it is important to consider the individual horse’s health condition before proceeding with EVMM, as it may not be suitable for all horses, especially those with certain injuries or conditions.
Dr. Powers obtained his EVMM degree for the esteemed Chi University in Florida in 2023 and has been offering this service since then. If you are interested or have further questions, please contact him directly!