Pro-stride APS

Pro-Stride® Autologous Protein Solution (APS) is a device that helps manage equine lameness and osteoarthritis in horses by concentrating the cells, platelets, growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines from a horse’s own blood.

How It Works

Pro-Stride APS is a two-step device that separates and concentrates anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors from a horse’s blood to promote long-term healing and help reduce pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis.

Pro-Stride APS highly concentrates three components of blood plasma, platelets and white blood cells, which are all necessary in a regenerative solution to achieve comprehensive osteoarthritis management.

Pro-Stride APS Helps Stop the Cycle of Inflammation

  • IL-1 and TNFa proteins are responsible for inflammation that leads to joint damage and osteoarthritis.
  • These proteins need to be blocked to prevent the development of or slow the progression of osteoarthritis.
  • Pro-Stride blocks these proteins to prevent inflammation and joint damage.

For more information visit: Pro Stride APS | For Animal Healthcare Professionals
Video: Watch How Pro-Stride APS Works

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